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Glencoe’s Jayden Pilkingon – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by Central Rural Electric Cooperative

VYPE: What sports do you play?
Jayden: Basketball
VYPE: What has your sport taught you that you use in your daily life?
Jayden: Basketball has taught me discipline and failure. I use discipline every day in life, for example if you don’t want to do that essay or don’t want to put in work. You do it anyways.
VYPE: What is your favorite part about being on a team?
Jayden: My favorite part about being on a team is you have someone to count on. You guys grow stronger together rather than apart.
VYPE: What teammate has left the biggest impression on you and why?
Jayden: The teammate that has left the biggest impression on me would have to be Kali Harting. She puts in the work. If she has an off night on shooting, she makes up for it anywhere else she can. She has a great attitude no matter what comes her way.
VYPE: When and how did you first get into playing your sport?
Jayden: I started playing basketball in first grade. During recess after lunch, we would always go outside and play basketball and I loved it. One day we got a newsletter sent home about our school playing a little league team and I begged my parents to let me play. They signed me up and I’ve played ever since.

VYPE: Here is your chance to give a shoutout or say thank you to anyone you wish.
Jayden: I want to thank you to all the coaches I have had. Each one of them has put in the time and effort to help me get better in areas I struggled in. They always came during their free time to have open gym so you could shots up and always gave their all when coaching you.

VYPE: What has been your favorite memory of playing?
Jayden: My favorite memory of playing would have to be when no one thought we could beat a team that was supposed to win, we did. We played our hearts out that game and it paid off in the end.
VYPE: What is the best advice that anyone has given you?
Jayden: The best advice I’ve been given is don’t dwell on the past. If you make a mistake don’t make it again. If you fail, get up and keep going. Always look forward and go make the next shot.
VYPE: Who inspires you and why?
Jayden: My mom inspires me. She always puts in extra work to get things done. She always is willing to help and goes immediately if anyone needs it. She works hard for her family and the things she has.
VYPE: Why are you passionate about your sport?
Jayden: I am passionate about basketball because it drives me to work harder every day. It helps me focus and clear my head. Basketball helps me improve myself not only as a player but as a person. It always has something to teach you.

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