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Blackwell’s Lane Looper – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by: BancFirst Blackwell

By Payton Moody 

Lane Looper is a dynamic and dedicated junior athlete who is taking the Blackwell High School sports scene by storm. With a passion for both football and wrestling, Looper’s commitment to his teams and his community is inspiring.

Standing at 6’0″ and weighing 155 pounds, Looper is a force to be reckoned with on and off the field. He excels as a safety and wide receiver, showcasing his versatility and athleticism in every game.

“My favorite part about playing my sport is representing my school and fans cheering for me,” Looper said. The support and energy from the crowd motivate Looper to give his all in every match and practice.

Looper’s biggest supporters include his older brother, dad and mom, who have been by his side throughout his athletic journey. He values their unwavering encouragement and guidance, which fuel his determination to succeed.

Mark Meador stands as a mentor who has left a lasting impact on Looper. “He’s pushed me to do my best,” Looper said. Meador’s guidance has instilled in Looper a strong work ethic and a drive to always push his boundaries.

Important advice Looper has received revolves around perseverance and coachability. “Pushing through every practice and being coachable” are words he lives by, reflecting his commitment to continuous improvement and growth.

As a proud member of the Blackwell High School teams, Looper cherishes the sense of camaraderie and community that comes with being part of a team. “My favorite part about being on a team and representing Blackwell is people supporting me in my community,” he said. “There’s no better feeling than being supported by your hometown.”

Within his team, Looper greatly admires teammate Kevin Rios for his exceptional work ethic during practice. Kevin’s dedication sets a high standard for the entire team and inspires Looper to push himself harder.

This season, Looper eagerly looks forward to the opportunity to showcase his skills in front of the community and his fellow students. His passion for the game, combined with his strong work ethic and community spirit, undoubtedly make Lane Looper a rising star to watch at Blackwell High School.

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