Oklahoma State University sophomore Parker Wallace is originally from Ardmore, Oklahoma and graduated from Plainview High School before heading to college and becoming part of the ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) program at OSU.
“I’ve been in the Army ROTC program since the start of my freshman year,” said Wallace. “I’ve enjoyed interacting and learning from the cadre that have years of experience in the Army. Also, learning about and earning a spot in the Army has been a great experience so far.”
Wallace said he has always felt a desire to serve and being in the ROTC program at Oklahoma State will allow him to finish school before starting his military career.
“I decided to join the program because I’ve always wanted to be a part of our nation’s military and it’s a great opportunity for me to go to college and become an officer at the same time,” said Wallace.
As a cadet at the Oklahoma State University, individuals like Wallace are taught the foundational principles of basic military leadership, but they also learn very valuable lessons in customs and courtesies of everyday military life. From physical fitness to military strategy, the ROTC cadets get a taste of what is expected of an officer in the U.S. Army.
“I do plan on making a career in the military,” said Wallace. “I’ve always been intrigued in the aviation side of the military, but I’m also majoring in engineering, so if everything goes well, I plan on branching into Aviation or the Corps of Engineers. My major at Oklahoma State is Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology.”
Wallace said there are many things he has enjoyed about being part of the ROTC program at Oklahoma State. From the workouts to making new friends, there are plenty of things to keep the cadets busy.
“I’ve enjoyed working out and running with all of the other cadets that have similar goals and different backgrounds than me,” said Wallace.
The future Army officer offers this advice to anyone who may be considering the Army ROTC program at Oklahoma State as something they may want to join and pursue as a potential career choice in the future.
“My advice for other students would be to go all in. It may be slow at times but give it a shot. It’s a great experience for life, and if it doesn’t end up working out, you’ll have the knowledge for the rest of your life,” said Wallace.
For more information on the ROTC program at Oklahoma State University visit https://rotc.okstate.edu and you can apply or find out more information about the program, the faculty and what student life is like for cadets at OSU.