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Perkins-Tryon’s Carson Brown – Athlete Spotlight – Presented By Perkins Primary Care

Just in his first year of high school, Carson Brown proved himself to be an impressive athlete.

Carson is a freshman at Perkins High School, and he plays basketball and golf. During the time that he has participated in his sports, he has grown to appreciate them for unique reasons. Carson enjoys golf because of its relaxing elements. “I like golf because it allows me to clear my head,” he shares. Unlike golf, Carson appreciates basketball for its speed and competitiveness. “For basketball, I enjoy that adrenaline rush you get.”

Although basketball and golf seem to be drastically different spots, Carson shares that they have very important skills in common. “In golf and basketball, they both require consistency. Therefore, I strive to be perfect and have that consistency.” He has learned that consistency is key to being successful in both sports.

Carson shares that the biggest lessons that he has learned during his athletic career are “shoot your shot” or “always do your best.” Those phrases serve as an encouragement to always work hard and pursue excellence both on and off the court.

Although he is finishing his first year of high school, he still works to be a leader to all of his teammates. Carson has learned that the most successful form of leading his team is to lead by example and push them to be the best versions of themselves. “I personally try to lead my team by driving them. I try to drive them by pushing myself.”

Carson has learned some valuable advice during his time as an athlete, but the advice that has stuck with him the most is simple yet very valuable. His best piece of advice that he follows and encourages others to follow as well is “strive to be the best” in everything you do.

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