VYPE: When and how did you first get into playing your sport?
I first started playing volleyball at the YMCA in sixth grade. I have wanted to play volleyball since the fourth grade, but the town that I was living in previously didn’t offer volleyball as a sport.
VYPE: What is your all-time favorite meal?
A bacon cheeseburger with sweet potato fries from Smashburger.
VYPE: Here is your chance to give a shoutout or say thank you to anyone you wish.
Shoutout to my coach Andrue Brown. He has coached me in volleyball and basketball since I was in seventh grade. He’s taught me a lot of what I know now.
VYPE: What has your sport taught you that you use in your daily life?
I have learned effective communication and also strategic and fast thinking.
VYPE: What is your favorite part about being on a team?
My teammates are very caring, funny, and energetic. It’s never a dull moment with them, even after a bad game or a hard loss we still find a way to make each other smile.
VYPE: Who inspires you?
My grandma inspires me because she did a lot for me when I was younger and I just want to make her proud.
VYPE: What teammate has left the biggest impression on you?
Bess Glen. Bess was a great teammate, never got mad or upset at anyone. She’s very smart, kind, and an awesome volleyball player.
VYPE: Which professional athlete do you look up to?
Probably Serena Williams. She’s a very strong woman and a great athlete. Plus, I couldn’t imagine playing any sport while pregnant.
VYPE: You can pick any place for a summer vacation, where do you go and who do you take with you?I would take my mom and grandma to Jamaica, just because they deserve it.