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Q & A with Stillwater’s Nolan Lantz Presented by Jeff Bryant Shelter Insurance

By Jayden Oyler 

VYPE: When and how did you first get into playing your sport? 

Nolan Lantz: I always wanted to play football growing up, I think it just came from watching ESPN all the time as a kid. I started playing in kindergarten, and they didn’t have a team for kids my age, so I had to play on the third-grade team. 

VYPE: Which professional athlete do you look up to and why?

NL: I would probably say, Malcom Rodriguez. I grew up in Stillwater, so I’ve been a huge Oklahoma State fan, and seeing him get drafted late in the draft, and then seeing him move up the ranks that quickly in the NFL due to his hard work has been an inspiration to me. 

VYPE: What has been your favorite memory of playing? 

NL: My favorite memory of playing football is when we won state last year. It was something I had dreamt of doing sinceI was a little kid, and it was a dream come true. 

VYPE: What is the best advice that anyone has given you?

NL: In Ninth grade, when I first started working out with the High School team, I remember Coach Cawood telling us to keep our heads down and work. I love that advice because it helped me learn that even if something was hard, I could keep pushing and accomplish more than I originally thought. 

VYPE: What is your favorite part of being on a team? 

NL: I would say the family atmosphere that football provides. I love how it can bring a random group of people together to bond over the game. 

VYPE: Who inspires you and why?

NL: My dad inspires me, he always pushes me to do my best and be the best person I can be. 

VYPE: What has your sport taught you that makes you a better person? 

NL: Football has taught me leadership, communication, how to prepare better for things, and more; but most importantly football has taught me a lot about friendship. 

VYPE: What is your favorite part of representing your high school as an athlete? 

NL: I don’t have a specific favorite part of representing my school, I am just proud to be a Stillwater High School Pioneer. 
 VYPE: Here is your chance to give a shoutout or say thank you to anyone you wish. 

NL: I just want to thank my family and friends for loving me and supporting me every day. I would also like to thank my coaches. I love the passion, drive, and energy they bring each day. 

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