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Q&A with Pawnee’s Haley Teter – Presented by Stillwater Medical

VYPE: You can pick any place for a summer vacation, where do you go and who do you take with you?

Haley: If I had the opportunity to go on summer vacation anywhere, I would definitely go to Costa Rica to the beaches and rainforests. My mom and my dogs would come along with me, of course.

VYPE: What is your all-time favorite meal?

Haley: My all-time favorite meal varies from time to time, but I will never turn down good ice cream.

VYPE: Who is your favorite teacher from any grade and why?

Haley: My band director, Mr. Gartner (aka Mr. G), is my favorite teacher. Mr. G is one of the most patient and encouraging people I know. He is always on our side and has the most cheerful, positive attitude. He is the absolute best!

VYPE: What is the best advice that anyone has given you?

Haley: Breathe. Being mentally strong is as important as being physically strong. If you are willing to push yourself mentally, it carries you in every aspect.

VYPE: When and how did you first get into playing your sport?

Haley: I first decided to try out for cheer before my freshman year. My best friend, Leah, was going into her senior year and encouraged me to try out. She had been on the competition/football squad for several years already, so she helped me prepare for tryouts. I tried out, made the squad, and fell in love.

VYPE: What has been your favorite memory of playing?

Haley: My favorite memory from cheer is 100 percent winning regionals my sophomore year. It was so thrilling to know all the hard work and effort paid off.

VYPE: What is your favorite part about being on a team?

Haley: My favorite part about being on a team is the amazing bonds and memories that are created.

VYPE: What has your sport taught you that you use in your daily life?

Haley: All of the sports I have participated in have taught me that hard work and dedication will pay off if you are committed to it.

VYPE: What teammate has left the biggest impression on you and why?

Haley: The teammate that left the biggest impression on me is Kindi Novotny. Kindi was my flyer for two years in cheer and we were also on the track and powerlifting teams together. She was always very encouraging and uplifting. Kindi had the best jokes and rarely let her smile leave her face.

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